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FBL Rotorkopf 50er Vibe NEX (JR96509)

FBL Rotorkopf 90 V2 (JR84048)

FBL Rotorkopf 90er,GSR260Z(JR84037)
Neue Produkte im Januar
JR Propo Motor NHM-30-8P-EX KV:1750 Forza 450EX
A standard motor for FORZA450 EX (6 cell).   KV : 1750 Magnet Poles : 8 Max continuous ... [mehr]
Artikel-Nr.: JR62053
97,40 €
[inkl. 19% MwSt zzgl. Versandkosten]
Motor DFA JR Scorpion HKII2221-8 F450 3595KV Ersatz TA00008
A standard motor for FORZA450 (3 cell).   KV : 3550 Magnet Poles : 8 Max continuous ... [mehr]
Artikel-Nr.: JR62052
154,60 €
[inkl. 19% MwSt zzgl. Versandkosten]
Forza 700 NHM-45-10P High Performance Motor
A high performance motor designed for Forza700. 6.0mm connectors are included. Specifications: KV: ... [mehr]
Artikel-Nr.: JR62064
350,00 €
[inkl. 19% MwSt zzgl. Versandkosten]
Forza Motorwelle für Scorpion HK-2520/HK II-2221
ou can use your Scorpion motors for FORZA450 using this motor shaft ! Compatible motors: SCORPION HK II-2221 ... [mehr]
Artikel-Nr.: JR70753
9,10 €
[inkl. 19% MwSt zzgl. Versandkosten]
Motor NHM-30-6P-SC 3595KV 6 Pol 81g 475W 3S u.Motorwelle JR70753
Compared to the stock motor, our upgrade motor has higher kv and greater max continuous power.You will feel the ... [mehr]
Artikel-Nr.: JR61885
95,00 €
[inkl. 19% MwSt zzgl. Versandkosten]
K&S Brushlessmotor PT-90xxx Ersatzwelle
K&S Brushlessmotor PT-90xxx Ersatzwelle [mehr]
Artikel-Nr.: KS2726
39,20 €
[inkl. 19% MwSt zzgl. Versandkosten]
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