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Vorheriger Arikel Artikel 4 von 5 Nächster Artikel
der Kategorie JR-DFA Servo  JR-DFA Servo
JR/DFA S8411 programmable
JR/DFA S8411 programmable
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Artikelnummer: T0076091
Preis: 191,00 €
[inkl. 19% MwSt zzgl. Versandkosten]


For Aerobatic Airplanes in competition use.

Torque] 14.0 (6.0V)/17.2 (7.4V))/19.6 (8.4V)

kg・cm 194.4 (6.0V) / 238.9 (7.4V)) / 272.2 (8.4V) oz・in


Speed] 0.19 (6.0V)/0.15 (7.4V))/0.13 (8.4V) Sec/60°

Dimensions] 34.5 x 19 x 39mm

Weight] 60g

Voltage Range] 6.0V-8.5V

  • 		High Torque Type
  • Slow start function
  • Metal Gear
  • With Ball Bearing (dual)


DFA is pleased to announce the release of our new XBus programmable servos, allowing not only serial servo connection, but also individual servo programming with servo adjustments to suit every application.

Highlights :  This servos automatically detect the type of output they are plugged into - conventional receiver PWM outputs, or XBus. This means Programmble servos are XBus compatible, and also compatible with PWM receiver signals without any converter, allowing modelers to use conventional receiver systems.  * Compatible receiver systems : DMSS · DSMJ · 72MHz · 40MHz

When used on a DFA JR XBus system, the Programamble servos can be programmed in ways not previously possible. No additional programming device is necessary these servos can be setup using a DFA 8+6 DFA T44 ,JR XG series transmitter. 

Changes made to servo programming are immediately apparent. Not only can servo direction and travel be adjusted, but it is now possible to fine tune servo gain, dead band and boost to suit your aircraft and desired response. This precise setup allows servo hunting to be eliminated and precise feel maintained.

* Wide Voltage

* Double ball bearings

* Slow start function

*Compatible with any radio using PWM control

*XBus compatible allowing *120 to 180 deg travel

* featureYou can adjust Dumping,Hold,Deadband...etc

* Do not use this servo under the different voltage other than specified

* If used on a large and Heavy control surface

*Try to adjust Dumping.Hold .Dead band.Boost etc... You will set it up perfect condition.(use RX Xbus port    and Xbus TX)


RC Modelle sind kein Spielzeug. Für Kinder unter 14 Jahren nur unter Aufsicht Erwachsener geeignet.

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