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der Kategorie Konverter  Konverter
Signalkonverter-Modul. XBus zu SBus / DJI
Signalkonverter-Modul. XBus zu SBus / DJI
Artikelnummer: ELE004
Preis: 32,50 €
[inkl. 19% MwSt zzgl. Versandkosten]


XBus (Eingang) zu DJI/SBus (Ausgabe) Signal Konverter-Modul.

Dieses Modul ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihre JR Propo DMSS XBus Radio mit DJI zu verwenden und andere Futaba S.Bus kompatiblen Produkten.

Sie können jede XBus kompatiblen Receiver verwenden. Verbinden Sie den Receiver mit dem Wandlermodul einen Stecker auf Stecker Patch-Kabel anzuschließen . Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Polarität korrekt ist, Boden, braun oder schwarz Draht sollte an der Unterseite des Wandlers Bord sein. Ein zweiter Stecker auf Stecker Patch-Elektrode wird die Wandlermodul für die Verbindung zum SBus Eingang des Gerätes erforderlich sein.

This module will allow you to fly your JR Ninja 400 orother JR XBus compatible units such as the JR TAGS Minion Spektrum radio. You will need two DSMX satellites with their connecting leads. Note that even if you are usinga DSM2 radio you will still need to use DSMX satellites. DSM2 satellites will not work with this converter.

Connect the two satellite units to the converter module,and then connect the converter module to the Ninja control board using the male to male lead supplied with the Ninja kit. Double check that you have connected the lead in the correc torientation ground (Brownwire) should be towards the outside edge of the converter module.

Use a blank model memory on your transmitter,set the model type to Helicopter and configure the radio as described in the Ninja manual.

Double check using the servo monitor tha t'Hold' gives you-150%on the throttle.Connect the two pin bind plug to the converter module and power up the Ninja.Note that it is recommended that the props are not attached to the motors whilst performing this operation. The light on the converter module will blink orange and the satellites will enter bind mode.Ensure that you have hold mode activated and throttle at zero on the transmitter,then bind your TX using the correct procedure for the specific model.

At the end of the bind process the light onthe converter module will change from flashing orange to solid green. This signifies that the bind is complete and the converter modulei s receiving information from your transmitter. Please note that  the failsafe values are set during this binding process,so it is important that hold be activated when bind completes. Should you change any of the throttle setup or hold setup you are advised to bind again to ensure correct failsafe operation.

If using this converter module with a JRTAGS Mini with adapter lead connect the two satellite units to the converter module, and then connect the converter module to the TAG Mini adapter lead. Double check that you have connected the lead in the correct orientation ground (brownwire) should be towards the outside edge of the converter module.

The light on the converter module provides feedback as to the operating condition of the converter.

The following four indications are possible:

1. Flashing Orange-the converter module is waiting for the satellites to bind.

2. Solid Red-the convert has powered up but has not yet seen any valid signal from the satellite.

3. Solid Green-the converter is receiving good data from the transmitter and sending it to the Ninja contro lunit.

4. Flashing Red-the converter is in the failsafe condition and is sending the pre-programmed failsafe  values to the Ninja control unit.


RC Modelle sind kein Spielzeug. Für Kinder unter 14 Jahren nur unter Aufsicht Erwachsener geeignet.

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